Thursday, October 22, 2015

tbt: Visitando a Tulum, Paraiso de Mexico, Frida Inspiration Galore

     "Cada (tic-tac) es un segundo de la vida que pasa, huye, y no se  repite. Y hay en ella tanta intensidad, tanto interes, que el    problemaes solo saberla vivir. Que cada uno lo resuelva como pueda."

 All Quotes by Frida Kahlo

"Never have I dealt with anything more difficult than my own soul" 

"...aprendere historias para contarte, inventare nuevas palabras para decirte en todas que te quiero como a nadie."

"Don't build a wall around your own suffering or it may devour you from the inside"

"Nothing is worth more than Laughter... It is strength to laugh and abandon oneself, to be light. Tragedy is the most ridiculous thing" 

"Nada hay absoluto, Todo se cambia, Todo se mueve, Todo revoluciona, Todo Vuela Y Se Va"

"And you, how long will you listen to these colours before you hear the language of light?" 


"Arbol de la Esperanza mantente firme"

       "I am my own muse, I am the subject I know best. The subject I want to know better." 

   "No dejes que le de sed al arbol que tanto te ama, que te atesoro tu semilla, que cristalizo tu vida a las seis de la manana. No dejes que le de sed al arbol del que eres sol."     


"At the end of the day, We can endure much more than we think"

"De nada sirve que la imaginación tenga alas, si el corazón es una jaula"

"No reniego de mi naturaleza, no reniego de mis elecciones, de todos modos he sido una afortunada. Muchas veces en el dolor se encuentran los placeres mas profundos, las verdades mas complejas, la felicidad mas certera. Tan absurdo y fugaz es nuestro paso por el mundo, que solo me deja tranquila el saber que eh sido autentica, que eh logrado ser lo mas parecido a mi misma que eh podido."

"Se pueden inventar verbos? Quiero decirte uno: YO TE CIELO, Asi mis alas se extienden enormes para amarte sin medida"


"To feel the anguish of waiting for the next moment and of taking part in the complex current (of affairs) not knowing that we are headed toward ourselves, through millions of stone beings – of bird beings – of star beings – of microbe beings – of fountain beings toward ourselves."

"Take a Lover who looks at you like maybe you are magic"

" I am that clumsy human, always loving, loving, loving. And loving. And never leaving."

"Hay algunos que nacen con estrella y otros estrellados, y aunque tu no lo quieras creer, yo soy de las estrelladisimas"

Today I am inspired to post pictures of my last Birthday exactly 4 months ago.

 Because the last two and a half years have been literally like building a brick building for me, layering mirrored bricks after brick for some type of foundation and everything simply tumbling down right over me. In these bricks, I see my reflection in the broken batter of what that construction was. I see myself in moments, with every layer of brick I see my life, and when you keep rebuilding layers and they are just crumbling in your hands, turning to dust with time, you get lost in there too.

Recently more than ever I've been facing my biggest fear in the face day in and day out. And now I understand exactly why as we get older we start freaking out about age and time.

My biggest fear is failure.
Failing myself above all, and when I say failing myself it means not being at the pedestal I ideally put myself on, the concept of where I should be at this very moment, but even that is wrong, oh so wrong of me. Why? Because if you are the type of human we ideally all want to be; it requires discomfort, movement, elevation, growing, until there is no more growing left, and when is that? Near death, or for as long as we can detain ourselves. We will always want more, we will reach something, any goal, and once we've conquered it, we will want more. There is never an ideal pedestal, there are just steps to getting there, my problem is when I can't see the staircase I want to fly my way there, no patience where I can't see the shadow of my smile swept across that moment or memory.

There was madness right before heading to Mexico, there was madness right after; Yayy Happy Birthday Juliette! LOL, BUT there will always always be madness, craziness, unexpected occurrences to shake us up, and if we are lucky, we will have our girls holding us up. I believe I am very lucky with the blessings of stars that fill my heart. I was able to take this trip with my Bestfriend Tai, an open minded power woman who is addicted to traveling and being independent! Her presence simply gave me strength and enthusiasm.  We stayed in the most romantic ocean view room ever, in quiet Tulum; Grand Oasis Tulum was great with amazing staff and customer service! I was in Mexico exactly a week after the opening of the Frida Exhibit in the Botanical Gardens so of course I was completely inspired, and who better to inspire me than none other than Frida herself at this stage of messiness of my life. Currently no one but the amazing women that inspire me can resonate all I feel. And all these women have one thing in common; just like Frida, they remind me and teach me that what makes us so beautiful, so special, so strong, is the unique authenticity of our problems, and how we deal with them, and that only through them can we actually grow to be our greatest selves. That without struggle there is no beauty, no appreciation, no value.

So fuck those bricks, the concept of that foundation that is just an illusion, an attachment to security or even an excuse, I am strong enough to build and conquer whatever this immense heart beats for. Just like the women I wholeheartedly admire that are the ones keeping me up right now!

Post to be continued...

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