Wednesday, April 6, 2016


It took me almost 25 years to start to grasp what True Love truly is.

Self Love. Unconditional Self Love.

#SelfLove is an Art of Nature we are all born with. We let the world deplete it as life experiences occur. We let others dictate how we see ourselves, how we feel about ourselves, our beliefs, all aspects of our lives. And it is only human nature until we begin to learn and unlearn❤️

For so long I've been losing sight of myself, I let others eat away at my self so drastically for the last few years that I felt like I was disappearing. Juliette; the individual; alone. I've decided to start posting again, slowly getting back into my writing again and outfit posts; but also a bit more refined. Some see it as Selfish; I see it as putting myself together differently, my way. 💗

And for every single person that is supporting my crazy irrational passionate ass, Understand that I Appreciate and Value every ounce of it. Wether it's a Like on a Pic or a Comment or a Message, or a hug or a kiss or even an eye roll lol 😘💋

I have a bittersweet love hate relationship with Social Media; it can make you or break you. And I see soo many people wasting their time on it; as opposed to supporting Growth. 🔥

I See You, I See those supporting and I feel you. Thank you, thank you, thank you, and thank you for accepting me as me. 😉

Self Love is balance and harmony. It is awareness and discipline. It is knowing your uniqueness is everything in one. That the most important thing in the world is you bc there is only and will only every be one of you.

Self Love is dedication and perseverance towards treating yourself the best way possible.

Self love is not accepting disrespect

There are so many more great things ahead.

Im finally at the point of my life where everything is Nourishment. Everything is Growth. Everything is appreciated. 🌹💚

And I'm so Proud of Me. (It's been a while since that) 👑🌞

Self love.

Self love is that moment you stop & say im a grown up.

That moment you stop and think im transforming.

That action you take that scares the shit out of you but you know will come with remarkable change.

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